Monday, March 28, 2011

Beginning My Journey

It may not seem very interesting to many people, but this blog is going to help me through my weight loss after having my son 9 months ago. I have always had an issue with my weight and I am just fed up. Even when I was younger and I wasn't that big people still told me to slim down. I recently looked back to pictures where I thought I was huge and absolutely disgusting. I wasn't though. I was beautiful. I need to find that person again.

So it begins. I was recently called fat by someone that I loved very much. I realize that though it may be true, that I am tired of always feeling huge and being uncomfortable everywhere I go. I am going to lose the weight and be healthy again. I am going to be completley honest here. I am going to keep track of what I eat here and what work out routines I do. I am not going to starve myself or work myself to death. I am going to be healthy, for myself and my kids.

I currently weigh 202. My goal weight is to be 130. That is what is recommended for my height and I am going to try to reach that goal. I am going to be more active. I now have a gym member ship that I will have many options in work out classes, I have a Wii Fit Plus, Zumba fot he Wii, Your Shape for the Wii, Yoga and Pilates DVDs, and as the weather gets better I am taking my kids outside everyday and we are going to start taking walks at the park.

As for eating better, no more cokes is my main goal. I am ADDICTED to them. I get extreme migraines without caffeine so I am just going to play it by ear. I would drink a couple Polar Pops a day.. now that can't be an option. I may drink one caffeinated drink a day but I hope to limit myself to that until I can go without them. Also no more junk. Being a busy mom to a 9 month old and a 5 year old while also finishing my last year of college I only have time to grab quick bites. I live off of fast grab food and junk food. I would love to have healthy breakfasts, but the the reality for me has been that after I get the kids up and off to school and daycare the only time I have to grab breakfast is a quick asiago bagel with chive at UofL and maybe a coke from vending.

This is all about to change. Today I had a Yoplait black forest yogurt with 1/2 cup of granola. For a snack so far I have had 25 baby swiss cheese its. Also I have only been drinking sunrise strawberry tangerine crystal light. So here it goes and if this is of no interest to anyone I understand... I am doing this for me!

1 comment:

  1. And, I am here to support you!! Recommendation: Don't give up Cokes completely. Try Coke Zero. They're good. That's what I try to drink. Keep fruit and fresh veggies around for snacks. Cut out candy and keep track of what you eat. is a GREAT tool. <3, Kim
