Monday, April 15, 2013

Don't Give Up

So I was doing really well. I didn't plan to fall off the wagon. But life happens.

My daughter had eye surgery. We had a death in the family. Job schedules changed. I now have to work out in the evenings and I hate that. I prefer mornings! I lost motivation. It felt like close friends etc were bored with me talking about exercise and becoming healthy. I just fell off.

But I have noticed changes in my body. It took me awhile to gain back what I lost, but gain it back I did... Plus some I believe.

I started getting winded again and simple things I was able to do before started to become harder.

So now back to the same schedule. Whether others support me or not is of no importance anymore. I'm doing this for me and my kids and hopefully to wear some cute clothes before summer is over.

I also started taking a multivitamin and a B-vitamin complex to help with metabolism. And before every meal I drink a glass of grapefruit juice not from concentrate.

Here's to the hard work ahead and the cute figure to come!!!