Thursday, June 23, 2011

Getting Back Into the Swing of Things


I haven't blogged in awhile. I just got so bogged down with school it was unreal. But I will be back to the schedule starting this coming week. I have summer classes so I will be working out after class at the UofL gym before I come home. Plus I have a friend that is going to do the Weight Watchers thing and have meetings on their own. Hopefully I will be able to do that.

As for the coke situation which is my MAIN problem, I have been drinking Coke Zeros and hopefully I can go from that to water. I lost so much weight before when I just stopped drinking cokes. I just cant handle the extra weight anymore. Liam is a year old in a couple of days and he now sleeps all night so I have the time to workout. I just need to get started on it and hopefully it will give me more energy to continue.

Here goes nothing!